
The definition of "Etiquette" is the acceptable manner in which we conduct ourselves in class or in our community.   In the Technology classroom, there are acceptable behaviors and manners that we must all follow to ensure your success in this class.  Below are descriptions and reasons for proper etiquette.

Entering the Classroom

  1. After lining up outside the classroom and calming yourself, your teacher will invite you into the classroom. 
  2. Once invited, quickly and quietly sit in your seat.  There is no seating assignment unless the teacher sees a need for it.  
  3. Once seated, wait for instructions by the teacher.   Do not turn on your computer just yet.
  4. Once seated, immediately work on the "Do Now".  There should be no conversations during this time.  Attendance will be taken during this time.

Classroom Conduct

  1. In the first 5 to 10 minutes of class, please pay close attention for specific instructions for activities for the period. 
  2. Remain focused on your work; collaborate with your neighbor; remain seated at all times.  What do you think the reasons are for conducting yourself in this manner during class time?
  3. When you have a question, please quietly raise your hand; no need to call out the teacher's name.

Preparing to Leave the Classroom

  1. Approximately 5 minutes before the end of class, you will be asked to log off your computer.
  2. A Wrap-Up discusison will follow to ensure you have understood the lesson or activity for the day.
  3. You will be asked to "Push in your keyboard and mouse", to "Stand up; push in your chair" and wait to be dismissed by the teacher.  Please pick up any trash that may be on or around your desk--whether it's yours or not--please pick it up.
  4. Please know that the teacher will dismiss you and NOT the bell.  You will be dismissed by rows or all together. 
  5. Quietly exit the room throwing any trash that you picked up on or around your desk .

Appropriate Internet Use Policy

Like all adults in a workplace, you must agree to the Appropriate Internet Use Policy.  Simply put, you must abide by the following rules:

  1. The Internet is strictly used for educational purposes.  Does anybody know why?
  2. When communicating while using the Internet, for example, using email, you must conduct yourself in an appropriate manner.  Let's discuss this one.
  3. Denver Public Schools has strict student rules:
    • Use of appropriate language
    • No Music, Music Videos or Lyrics
    • Educational videos only
    • Personal email, social networks like Facebook or Twitter, chatrooms, etc. are not allowed
    • Appropriate websites only.  Let's discuss this one too!
  4. Sign the Appropriate Internet Use Agreement at the time of enrollment.

Collaboration in the Classroom

The definition of Collaboration is the act of working with another or others on a joint project and to problem solve together and to come up with solutions.  In this classroom, you will be collaborating with each other frequently, except during quizzes and individual work.

  1. Use appropriate language with each other--don't make it personal.
  2. Calmly discuss problems or disagreements--share and listen to each other's ideas.
  3. Use "Indoor Voices" meaning keep the volume of your voice down to almost a whisper.
  4. When allowed by the teacher, you may discuss and problem solve with another student not seated next to you.
  5. Be respectful to each other and to their ideas.

Work Ethics

The definition of Ethics is a set of rules that is morally principled and you know it to be right.  So, Work Ethics is the set of work rules that is morally correct and just.  Examples of Good Work Ethics:

  1. Work hard to meet due dates; stay focused and complete all assignments.
  2. Do your own work and do not copy others--in other words, do not Plagiarize.
  3. Give credit where it's due.
  4. Work hard to get good results, for example, always strive your best to earn a "4" or "A+".
  5. Always ask questions when needed.

"Golden Rule"

Respect everyone and everything and they will respect you in return!  Your teacher is a very fair person.  So, when you respect your teacher, your teacher will respect you back.  But the same is true in the negative, if you act like a 3rd grader, your teacher will treat you just like a 3rd grader.  Make sense?   It goes both ways. 

Etiquette Quiz

Now that we have gone through the Etiquette for this class, it's time to take a short quiz.  Click here for the quiz.  You may refer to this page to take the quiz.